

  • I was in the same BP range as you at the beginning of the year, I'm on BP meds now that are excellent and my BP is under control. I'm also hoping that once I get to my goal weight I'll be able to get off the meds completely, just watch your salt and remember that bananas and dark chocolate are your friends! :P P.S. If you…
  • my roomate made these and gave a little bowl full, they were awesome! They remind me of roasted pumpkin seeds to be honest, but I love those too so no complaints here. Def worth a try!
  • Ughh, I have the same problem, SUCH a sweet tooth. I really like popsicles, they are cold and delish and something like 40 cals! They also have these new popsicles with frozen yogurt, I got some of the creamsicle variety in cotton candy and watermelon and OMG, sooo good. And dark chocolate is actually good for you and your…
  • I am new to BP meds as well, was just put on Labetalol about 2 weeks ago, its really upsetting because I am 28, I feel way too young to be taking meds but they really seem to help for now. My goal is to lose weight by eating healthier and excercising more to the point where I can get off the meds as well. Like others have…
  • Why would you want to? Its horrible for you...
  • I think I got pretty lucky not liking pasta, the only pasta I'll eat is homemade mac & cheese, which while not healthy, is not something I get too often. But tomato sauces, cream sauces, doesn't matter, no thank you!!!
  • Also a gamer here, Xbox is my choice, love RPG's like Skyrim, Fallout, Oblivion, Read Dead, etc. My problem is always getting too caught up in whatever I was playing and forgetting to eat all day. Both things are bad, too much sitting around and not eating enough and when I did eat, it was bad stuff. Anyways, I've decided…
    in Gamers? Comment by Hoebilly January 2013
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome, you're all so kind!!! And I decided to take my medication based on your messages, 2 hours in and I feel ok so maybe I got lucky to not have side effects. Still curious to see how the next few days go.
  • Wow, that is amazing! What an inspiration, congratulations! Thanks for the friendly welcome everyone, I just wanted to make a note about my decision to not start the medication yet. I was sent for blood tests and ECG's and have yet to receive the results from that, I believe the reason for the dizziness and palpitations is…