slrva Member


  • You have a wonderful philosophy, the same one that I've adopted for myself. For me, too many diets have been failures because of the restrictions and trying to completely change everything all at once. Looking at what you have done, YOU are alredy a success ... thank you for inspiring the rest of us to succeed too!
  • Thank you both! I wish all of us the best of luck! Peekay, you are already ahead of the game: you have the advantage of knowing that heart disease runs in the family, and you have already taken steps to make sure it doesn't impact you. You are GOING to do it. This is the year, Lucky 2013!
  • Well, who doesn't enjoy the chance to brag about their dog(s)? I have three wonderful rescues! One BIG goofy American Bulldog/Boxer male (90-lbs) , one Princess who is 3-legged hound/pitbull female (70-lbs) and the newest is my superdog---he had parvo and lived to tell the tale! He is a 10mo old staffordshire terrier male…
    in dogs Comment by slrva January 2013