geralynhoerauf Member


  • I mix a 1/2 TBS in a glass of lemon-lime seltzer as a substitute for my pre-dinner cocktail. I like the taste/combo. Not sure it's having any effect on my body other than helping me cut back on alcohol consumption, and I've been drinking it for about 3 months.
  • Cauliflower and Chick Pea Curry: Spinach and Chick Peas (my husband really liked this dish -- not so much the Baked Tofu that I made with it)
  • I haven't tried it, but just ran across this "Pot-Sticker" Turkey Burger on Pinterest: It sounds delicious and I'm planning to put it on the menu for next week.
  • I'll be the outlier. Just my husband and I at home, except when college-aged son is home on break. We spend $130-150 per week for food for the two of us (includes cleaning and paper products). That goes to fish three times a week, chicken twice, vegetarian and beef both once per week; fresh vegetables and salad-fixings…
  • Hope you all had as much success as I did this past month! 30 Day Shred Results 55 yr old, female, no regular exercise routine before starting 30DS, starting weight = 164.5lbs 1200-1300 cal per day diet, leaning heavily toward paleo/clean eating (my diary is open) Start 2/12 - End 3/22 (8 days off during the 30 days) wgt…
  • 30 Day Shred Results 55 yr old, female, no regular exercise routine before starting 30DS, starting weight = 164.5lbs 1200-1300 cal per day diet, leaning heavily toward paleo/clean eating (my diary is open) Start 2/12 - End 3/22 (8 days off during the 30 days) wgt lost = 11.5 lbs waist = 4 inches lost hips = 2.5 inches lost…
  • Thanks, Mariposa. I did read your blog and congrats on the results! I also bore easily and am not naturally inclined to look forward to working out. So I might just go with RI30 first. I do appreciate the circuit variety a whole lot. And even thought I've lost a lot of weight so far and didn't have any issues getting thru…
  • If anyone's done both Ripped in 30 and 6 Week 6 Pack, can you compare the two? I'm also finishing 30 Day Shred tomorrow and want to move on to another Jillian routine. I'm considering alternating pure cardio on the elliptical with a JM work-out and originally thought 6W6P would be better (do want to concentrate somewhat on…
  • Completed Day 29 today. Tomorrow is a day off and then I think I'll do Level 3 two more times to finish off the week. Saturday I'll post results, but I'm thrilled with the progress just based on the way my clothes are fitting. Now trying to put together a plan for the next work-out routine. I'd like to concentrate more on…
  • You'll need to find an exercise/work-out routine that excites you. I was hit-or-miss with 30 minutes on the elliptical in our basement, but now that I'm doing the 30 Day Shred I have no (well, not much...) problem getting up at 5:15am to fit in the 20 minute work-out. That, and what the above posters have said. You have to…
  • Thank you! Recently my college-aged son announced that he's eating granola and yogurt everyday, so this will be great to try when he's home for the summer.
  • To change your Diary lists, go to Settings on the very top of the page and choose Diary Settings. You can change the macros that you see as well as the names of your "meals". Good Luck!
  • My diary is public, so have a look. My husband works from home and is able to cook dinner on weeknights - I take the weekends. We never eat out (I mean maybe 2-3 times a year other than vacations) and so are able to stick to our clean/paleo/mediterranean type diet. We've eliminated almost all processed foods and refined…
  • Made the original recipe this morning substituting almond flour for the regular. I can only hope that my 20 yr old son (who also liked the pumpkin brownies) will eat the rest of the pan. These "brownies" are not sweet (even with 1/2 cup of milk choco chips), have an odd consistency and taste overwhelmingly like banana. No…
  • Not sure it qualifies as high-fiber at 4g per 1/2 cup serving, but Quaker has a new product -- Perfect Portions. It's a 12.7 oz bag that you can measure out exactly the quantity you need and it has no added sugar.
  • Thanks for the inspiration. Saving this for reference after completing 30DS mid-March.
  • I made this for lunch last Saturday: Sweet Potato Hash with Fried Eggs by Loved it.
  • Yesterday I made the Almond Butter Bars from my post above. I substituted a natural peanut butter cause that's what I had on hand. I'd say they were just okay, maybe a 6 out of 10. They are soft and chewy, with too little crunch for me. Actually they have too little of the dried fruit as well -- now that I think about it,…
  • For the month of January 2013 I wanted to eliminate all adult beverages just to start off my weight loss attempt. I was easily drinking 3-4 glasses of wine a night, or the same in shots-and-beers. I was also just drinking out of boredom and we've never been into diet sodas. I substituted 1-1/2 teaspoons of unfiltered apple…
  • Just log the calories and keep your total under your target as with any food. There are loads of different wines in the database and if you need to be exact, use the bar code feature with the app on your phone (although I have had as many scans be wrong as correct). I also suggest that you use a measuring cup to determine…
  • I ate the Pumpkin Breakfast Cookies/Bars right from the freezer. They don't freeze at all and even from the freezer were pretty soft. Next time I'm reducing the amount of honey, as I expect that's the culprit. Here are a couple of other recipes that I plan to try:…
  • These: were also very soft and so I kept them in the freezer. I cut the pan into 10, so I went through them in two weeks. These: were more solid and I've been keeping them in a zip…
  • I don't even think about traveling down 19 stories to the vending area. I stash unsalted cashews, prunes and Annie Chuns Seaweed Snacks in my desk drawer. I also bring a huge salad for lunch everyday. Snacking is definitely all about boredom for me too.
  • Very sensible -- sounds a lot like my attitude. I just joined in January when I decided to get serious about my menopause weight-gain, much of which was likely due to copious amounts of adult beverages over the years. I've been eating clean and mostly paleo for the past 7 weeks, not as a strict diet regimen, but to cut out…
  • Looking forward to trying this Sweet Potato Burger:
  • I eliminated adult beverages for the entire month of January just to set the stage. And ya, it was brutal. Now I only drink on days that I exercise and always plan for the calorie count. I prefer to drink my calories than snack at night and it's working so far. I'm still avoiding beer though both because of the calories…
  • L2 D2 today here. Level 2 is definitely more difficult than L1, but that's okay because I was getting a little bored with L1. L2 is more interesting and I find that the 20 minutes flies by. Feeling it in different muscles the past 2 days -- mostly legs and shoulders. Hoping for continued success in reducing waist…
  • I'm doing it within about 10 minutes of rolling out of bed at 5:30am. Only on day 8 of level 1 so far, but I think that this works for me because I have the rest of the day's activity to keep moving and stretch everything out. I usually eat breakfast after the work-out and showering and getting ready for the day. On…
  • Completed D5 L1 today. Definitely see an improvement in endurance and strength. But when I weighed myself this morning (once a week weigh-in) I had no weight loss for the week -- after 2-3 lbs per week previously. I did up my calories slightly when I started the Shred and I have tracked inches lost, so I'm not discouraged.…