Where can you find a computer safe quit meter?
Just getting started. Lost 9 lbs. However, I always loose about 10 the first week and maybe 2 each week following. I'm watching EVERYTHING more closely this time, hoping for a life change, rather than just a "diet".
I have an egg allergy, too. And, not very good at eating breakfast (the most important meal of the day, right?). Thanks for posting. I love all of the ideas. Keep 'em coming!
Des Moines, too. :)
Lovely, warm IOWA! :)
Add a protein shake? I used to eat protein shakes for breakfast once in awhile, but found eating them at night helps add the calories I missed during the day. I also have an addiction to late night ice cream. :) I recently discovered that making a protein shake at night both helps add to my daily calories and helps curb my…