

  • I am a hybrid Gamer Geek/Craft Geek, as I've frequently been known to state what a movie characters ability scores and alignment may be during the movie I'm watching while crafting homemade greeting cards for friends. (I also frequently state that I really do need a bag of holding for my craft supplies!)
  • Hi, I'm Stacy - trying to lose 210 pounds. Current weight is 370. New to using this website and app, but really finding it helpful so far.
  • I have to post to this discussion because of an earlier event today....I received a call from my 13 yr old son's principal, which left my whole office rolling with laughter. Apparently my son preformed the Vulcan Nerve Pinch on a kid and made him faint. The principal (obviously not a Trekkie) Googled it to find out what it…
  • Hello, what a fun group of people we all are! My superpower is a strange one, but here it goes....You know that moment when you are searching everywhere for some misc. item like a pair of scissors or a twist tie and you can't seem to locate it? Well, my superpower is that in that moment I ALWAYS find the last thing I was…