

  • How do I open my diary? I don't usually log a lot on my diary , I write it down in a journal normally. One thing I see a lot on here is talk about metabolism. It is my understanding that no food controls one's metabolism. Metabolism is actually controlled by lean muscle tissue and of course the thyroid gland. I have a good…
  • Instead of thinking about calories per day think about calories per week. If you're doing 1200 calories per day, that means you're taking 8400 calories per week. That gives you a little bit more room to work with. 1200 kcal is sooo hard to accomplish and be nutritionally healthy. I'd recommend bumping it up to 1500 (just…
  • I would love running advice! And swimming advice if anyone has any. So update: Last Saturday I bought a gym membership, and I've been in the gym every day ever since. Mostly I get up at 330 am (takes dedication) and get to the gym by 4am and I'm in the pool until 5 am. Mostly some moderate freestyle. My legs are soooooore!…
  • Okay, so I have the craziest addiction... (drumroll) PEPSI!!! I never thought someone could be addicted to a food or drink but I seriously have a problem with Pepsi. I feel like I can't go one day without it... grrr!!! I'm afraid that once I go through my phlebotomy class I'm going to bleed Pepsi hahaha... Anyway nice to…
  • I'll be your weight loss buddy!!! =)