Julibug86 Member


  • Honestly, I wear leggings to work (under dresses and skirts) so sometimes I am lazy and find it easier to not change out of them. I'm married and not super fit, but I just don't care if you can see my underwear. I also wear old tshirts on top, so I'm clearly not a picture of gym fashion.
  • My diarty is also open to friends and I think knowing more people are looking at it might help me! I was doing really well keeping up with it - even on bad days - but fell off a bit. Back at it today!
  • I also have PCOS, but am at that place where I realize I need to stop using it as a crutch or as my excuse for not losing weight. It is possible to lose and I will do it. You can do it, too! I am currently on no prescriptions at all and am trying to make it work. Last month, I got a period naturally for the first time…
  • I'm by no means an expert, but I don't think you'd burn that many calories just with an hour of walking (even at a fast pace). Are you doing something else in addition? I'm not the best at tracking my food and exercise correctly (although I'm working on it! who knew that curry powder had calories in it?) and it can be so…
  • If only we could share! I got measured for a bridesmaid dress a few weeks ago and was a 10 up top and a 16 down bottom. Had to order the 16 and then get it taken in up top (and it's even a bit snug down bottom...). Today I'm wearing a button down shirt that is loose up top and is barely able to button at the hips. Trust me…
  • This is funny, but I can say that whenever I lose weight, that's the part it comes from first. I've lost 10 lbs in this go-round and dropped from a 38B to a 38A. It's one of those things that is not true for everyone, but does happen to some of us, so the rumor continues...
  • This was really helpful to hear! While I already know that my little cheats are not helping me lose faster, I've been feeling frustrated that my increase in exercise hasn't had an impact yet (working out 1-2/mth to 2-3/wk for the last couple weeks). I know I've been drinking more water which could be a factor, but I should…
  • I was also obsessively weighing myself. Decided to move the scale into my spare bedroom that I rarely enter. We will see if this helps!
  • Totally agree on the store bought cake! And those little cupcakes that are always in the grocery store, too. They're pretty gross. I was thinking of writing doughnuts, but then I realized how much I really love doughnuts.
  • This is awesome! I'd love to know more about what specifically you were eating, if you're okay sharing. I really need to make a drastic change to my diet, but am having so much trouble reducing carbs and sweets. Yesterday I had an appt with my gyno and she reiterated that I need to lose weight and referred me to the…
  • Saw the topic of the thread and felt compelled to respond. I often feel this way, not knowing when people are able to schedule work outs! I guess the answer is the morning (not really the answer I like!), but that can be so tough when it is so cold and dark out. On top of my work schedule I'm also a part time grad student,…
  • I don't really understand the splurge day weekly, but I do agree that there are days where you just want to not worry too much. Last Saturday, we had a pre-mother's day cookout and while I opted to get the whole wheat roll and the chicken hot dog (and skipped the potato salad!), I still ate a cupcake and had a few beers.…
  • Congrats on your engagement! I'm also planning my wedding and opting to go kids free. We are a young-ish couple (26/27) and very few of my friends have children. The few couples that do have children all have infants (some are still in the womb at this point!) and I am planning a night wedding, so I do not think it's an…
  • Also looking to get more support and MFP friends!
  • Massachusetts!
  • Just seeing a gyno. My sister had already been diagnosed for years and goes to the same practice, so they weren't surprised when I had the same symptoms.
  • Love this last line! I also have PCOS and part of me sees it as a motivation; I just need to work that much harder. Plus, as silly as this may sound, any anger I have toward PCOS I simply channel into exercise. Better to be angry at PCOS than myself, and much more productive as well.
  • Also on a lifestyle change! Love the positive attitude! Added and hoping to find some supporters as well. :glasses:
  • The worst is joining a Biggest Loser challenge with friends or co-workers! Consistently eating less and exercising way more than others (not to mention, 20 years younger than some co-workers), yet I can't seem to ever lose as much as they do! My sister also has PCOS so we are in this together, but lately I feel like we are…
  • I also have a bigger frame, but have been overweight for so long that I'm honestly not sure of a good goal weight! I'm currently 194 lbs, with my smallest being 155 lbs (high school) and my largest being 202 lbs (last year). My goal weight is 160 lbs, but once I reach it, I may decide to try to go smaller. I agree with the…