

  • Yep, 52 & have gained 20 lbs in the last 2 years. Used to be able to eat anything & not gain weight but I think those days are long gone! At 5'3 1/2" & 136 lbs I don't think my weight is a huge problem just yet. But if i keep gaining 10 lbs a year it quickly will be! So i'm hoping to nip this weight-gain thing in the bud…
  • Same here. This is the most I've ever weighed in my life.
  • Hi, brand new here :-). 52 y.o. female 5 ft 3 1/2 in 136 lbs. For years could eat whatever I wanted & weight held steady at 116. The last couple years the weight has been creeping ever upward. Right now my goal is 126. Not sure why I picked that #, just seems like a healthy weight for someone my height & age :-) Anyway,…
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