

  • My husband and I both have the Samsung Epic/Sprint (Android). MFP was one of the apps in our market. That's how we found the program in the first place. Yes, when you go to add a food, you can touch a "scan" button and your camera works as a scanner and reads what you're trying to input. There's a serving size selection…
  • They don't? That is a bummer! The app is fantastic! I track on my phone and it is a lifesaver. So easy to just scan in a product!! No excuses for not tracking! :) I'll keep my fingers crossed that it comes soon for you!
  • Logging is huge! No matter what you're doing - WW, counting calories, carbs, fat...just keeping track is what keeps a person honest. There's no room for the mindless eating that makes us gain...once the tracking becomes part of your daily routine, the weight drops off, you feel great about yourself and the rest comes easy!…
  • Sorry I didn't answer the question completely...Actually WW goes by points, not calories and they don't require you to use your "Activity Points" unless you want' s your choice. So that's what I was referring to. Thanks, Javamom, and everyone else for all the info!
  • Doralis, WeightWatchers is a great program and I lost a lot of weight using what I learned there but then I gained much of it back - I just stopped tracking what I ate, ate too much and got lazy. WW has a new program now and I'm not familiar with that. This time around, my husband and I just wanted to try something…