Koorii Member


  • Most of my friends (though they eat meat) have pretty diverse tastes in food, so there is usually something yummy no matter where we go. Fortunately, my brother (who is one of my best friends) is also vegan, so we go to eat all the time. Most of the exclusion comes from the rest of my family. While they are supportive of…
  • Like eyeamAnne said. Channel those feelings into the right thing. Exercise those feelings. It is completely okay to feel them. Just use them to do the right thing. The situation you are connected to is a lot different than mine, but when my best friend committed suicide I used it as motivation to start becoming the very…
  • I'm currently 310.6 pounds. My known starting weight (I was dieting for several months before I started keeping track) was 341. I started keeping track in February, so I've lost roughly 30 pounds in a seven month period. Keep in mind that I haven't been super strict about it either. I've tried the super strict path, and I…
  • I'm from the 757, straight out of Norfolk!
  • Sent you a request! I'm a geek as well, though err more on the side of video games. I do love sci-fi fantasy books movies and Television as well. As far as comics go, I'm more into the indie stuff. Could never relate to the spandex-clad superheroes.
  • Hey guys, I'm back in the game! I've been going several years on and off, but this time I've been at it for 8 months and still going strong! It's going to stick for life this time. Feel free to add me!
  • Because after ten years I still get up every morning and log into World of WarCraft before doing anything else.
  • I kind of left anime behind in high school (not saying that it is just for teenagers), but I still rewatch: Hellsing (and Ultimate) Cowboy Bebop Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) Love those three to death.
  • Definitely good news! I had a physical done in October. My blood pressure was normal, but my cholesterol was sky rocketing! My Vitamin D was also extremely low. I have another physical in April, and I'll see how well I've done over the past few months!
  • Toned doesn't necessarily mean bigger. And someone correct me if I'm wrong, but aside from "newbie gains", you'll only see muscle growth if you are eating at a caloric surplus (over your TDEE). That's what I'm told anyway. So if you're cutting back your calories to lose weight, you shouldn't be gaining any muscle.
  • I'd rather wait for my cheat day and have a nice Stone brew with my pizza. I'll pass on the toilet water.
    in Diet Beer Comment by Koorii January 2013
  • I haven't had any food temptations today, but I did pass up the urge to go get a cigarette (recently quit).
  • The best way is to surround yourself with positive people. People who make you feel good, and support what you're doing. While that may not always be possible in "real life", you've got people here who will help you. Make friends with the people here. We're all in for the long haul, and could use others who make us feel…
  • It's more of a psychological thing I think. When we were out of shape, unhappy with ourselves, whatever the case may be, we weren't perceived as a threat or competition. People just want to keep you down now that you are a threat, in my opinion. Take it with a grain of salt, because I have a history of strongly disliking…
  • It has saved me a lot of money! I feel you on the convenience part. That was the biggest thing that kept me going on fast food. With my schedule, I felt like I had no time to cook, but in all reality, I just hate cooking! What I've started to do is cook enough food for 3 days and store it in a tupperware. It has worked out…
  • I started off at 322 and this is my first week (started on Monday as well). From my past experiences, Weighing my self too early in the process is discouraging, mainly because there is a lot of fluctuating weight in the beginning, as your body gets used to your new routine. I also weigh myself just often enough to see if I…
  • Breaking Out - The Protomen Light Up the Night - The Protomen
  • I had the same problem as well. The only thing I really want out of the coffee is caffeine, so I cut to black coffee. I make sure to buy and grind my own, so even if I can't put anything in it, I can still get some of the flavors I like. However, straight black is an acquired taste for most. It was only easy for me because…
  • I just started MFP, but in the past when I've dieted, I found that it is way easier for me to stick to a diet if I didn't look at the scale every week. Still count your calories and exercise or whatever you do, but stay way from the scale. I is discouraging to know that you did everything you can, but think that you made…
  • I was living with my friend out in Seattle for a little while. We both really like mountains, so the obvious choice is to go up to Mt. Rainier for a day. We weren't going to climb or anything, just hike and whatnot. We got half a mile in and I couldn't go any further. It was embarrassing as hell. We went back down to the…
  • I'm in college and I usually spend around 50-60 on groceries. I'm usually somewhat below my calorie goals, so I I had a little more money I would probably buy more, but I work with what I've got.
  • I have to have my morning cup of coffee. I drink it black, no sweeteners.
  • I'm actually in Orlando/Winter Park area, a couple of miles from Full Sail.
  • Like I stated, I portion my meals three days in advance, and shop every week, so my log will look exactly the same for six days. I also don't cook with any oils so that may be a good way to go. Great suggestions from everyone! When I do next week's shopping I will definitely implement some of them. Once again, feel free to…
  • In the past when I've dieted, I would have pizza for dinner on Sundays, because I love the hell out of pizza. I've read the same things you have about it being good for you to cheat sometimes. I've never been on a diet long enough to see if it works, but now that I've discovered MFP I should be able to. I am also a mono…
  • Anybody can feel free to add me as well. I just started recently weighing 322 and being 5'11" tall. Good luck to all of us!