Blackshuck77 Member


  • Great result...You've done well mate.
  • This was one of my big concerns but what people before me said holds true, take it slow and steady on the diet and develop a decent workout and you can shift the lbs without the loose skin. The reality shows around 'Biggest Weght Loss' have a few examples of people left with vast tents mainly as they dropped all off too…
  • I've been a geek since as far back as I can think. Films, books, comics and anything I can get my hands on. Been a fan of 2000ad since the 80's, Dr Who, Firefly and Battlestar Galactica on TV and any sci-fi/horror and Lovecraftian material I could lay my mitts on. Geeks should look out for each other so good luck with your…
  • Not from Scotland but just moved here. Set up shack in Edinburgh and just starting a proper lifestyle change rather than faddy diets/etc. Good luck to you mate.
  • Great work there - totally amazing that you shifted that much in that amount of time...almost thought the before and after shots were of two different people. Good luck with the insanity workout and maintaining your fitness.
  • I'll throw my hat in....Edinburgh based but only recently. Before then I was a Norfolk lad
  • Hi Cheri, my name's Paddy, I'm based in Edinburgh and just starting on this website myself as it's time to get myself sorted once and for all. I'm looking to shift just under a hundred pounds myself give or take. This is the first time I've tried this so it sounds like we could be in the same boat. Feel free to add me as a…