

  • Is this seriously what is ideal measurements for being 5'3"? I always thought that was cliche for the perfect size on any woman...... so I now have a new goal .... 8" to lose if that's true!
  • I just started this in support of my hubby, but now i've lost 4.2 lbs. and Im exited! I am reading the book Beyond Diet: Pure Fat Burning Fuel". I had no idea how much of the food we buy is processed and FULL of sugar! I am cutting all that out and eating whole foods instead. A lot to learn yet, but wow is it working!
  • I am 5'3", and started my fitness pal at 154. This morning I weighed in at 149.2 , 4 lb. loss in one week! I'm not sure what my goal weight SHOULD be, but I'm shooting for 20 lb. to lose, so GW = 134. I used to be 132 in high school.