

  • I love Zumba!!!! Until I discovered Zumba the only workouts that inspired me were the ones that I could do in front of the TV. Now I workout every day - yesterday I did twice as much as I planned just because I was having so much fun. Plus you'll burn between 400 - 800 calories in an hour. Created by -…
  • That's why I love My Fitness Pal because you can incorporate "cheating" Like yesterday, I knew I wanted to go out to dinner, so I planned for lower calorie other meals and cut back on the snacks, so I would have enought calories for dinner. Also, if I eat a big lunch, then it helps me select a healthier dinner. It's about…
  • I am somewhat the same way - I would start an exercise program and then quit after a few days because I hated it. Then a friend convinced me to come to a Zumba class. I absolutely loved it. It wasn't like exercise at all. I have no rythmn but it doesn't matter. The whole point of Zumba is to have fun and keep moving. I go…
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