

  • Dunkin Donuts Coffee (toasted almond flavor) with cream and sugar... Now that I have started this plan I have given it up cold turkey.... The girls at the drive through probably think I've died!!!
  • Great Job! Today is my 2nd day... You have inspired me to take my measurements! I thought about skipping it because I didn't really want to see the numbers... facing the reality is the only way to experience the success! Thank you for sharing : )
  • Hello there! I'm new too, and I have similar goals, I will add you as a friend and we can support each other : )
  • Ha, you had me at “it’s easier to be fat!” I know how you feel, after I began taking college classes at night (working mother as well) I steadily gained weight….weight I had just finished losing! I would love to hear how other people work exercise into their schedules!