Thanks I'll try that
I'm still tring to re - program my tummy . old habits die hard. I hate to eat breakfast .
I do know how you feel while my youngest son was small he had a little upsy. the dr . told us he would never be able to have children. WRONG!!!!! He got his wife pregnet before she was his wife . we had dna dne b/c of what the dr had told us. well the baby was his. THAT WASN'T THE END OF THE STORY . They had four more .…
I'm from Texas . I found this group on my search . I'm tring to lose some weight because I have diabetes and my doctor and family want me to be around a while longer. it's really hard to do what i know is best for me. sometimes it just helps to voice how you feel to some one else. that doesn't have a attachment to you. or…