Do you do any stretching in the morning? Before I get out of bed, I lay on my back and pull my knees up to my chest and hold it for 10 secs. Then roll one leg (knee bent) to the opposite side, hold and repeat on the other. It helps loosen up my lower back and I do have siatic. Also consider visiting a chiropractor, there…
Age is also a factor, as you age your metabolism slows down and you will lose more slowly.
Just season them well with salt and pepper and grill to medium rare to medium. By all means don't overcook.
What you really need to do is to identify what foods are causing the bloating, pain, etc. A MUCH better option is to do a 21 Day Tummy diet. What it does is eliminate the foods short term that are scientifically known to cause these symptoms. It has nothing to do with your colon. Some foods have natural fermentation…
I think that is the first thing you need to do is log everything. You would be amazed what hidden calories we consume even though we think we are counting everything. Second, you have to weigh and measure everything to make sure your portions are correct. I also log and plan all my meals for the next day. I know this…
Been exactly there, I tried a 21-day semi-elimination diet that eliminated the foods that are what they call rapidly fermentable foods. These foods may be nutritionally sound, but they can cause the bloating, cramping, stomach pains and weight gain. Once you get ride of them, it's amazing how fast you can lose that bloat…
I agree with everything everyone else had said: not enough calories, saving cals for snacks, eating more protein. I would also add planning in advance all of your food for the next day. While having dinner, I log and plan everything I will eat tomorrow so I know exactly what I am going to consume. I didn't do that at first…
I learned a long time ago that a good measure is one calorie per proof per ounce of alcohol, therefore 1 ounce of 80 proof liquor is 80 calories, really simply way to figure it out.
I have finally found the right mix of calories for me is to try to even out how many calories I eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner. My trainer also recommends more protein in the mix than fat. Your salad looks healthy, but pay attention to portion control (my biggest downfall). If you don't have one already, invest in a…