cowskingirlup Member


  • I started last Tuesday, and so far really like it. I do see what the other posters mean by it getting boring, but for now it's doing the trick. Haven't seen any weight loss, but that will come, going to stick with it over the summer and then may switch to something else in the fall.
  • I started last Tuesday and so far have been doing really well. The only problem I have is when she wants you to do the moves fast, can't do it, so just keep going with the slow count. I haven't noticed any weight loss yet, mainly because I'm struggling with keeping on a diet plan, but I figured I'd work on one thing at a…
  • My friend did BBL and loved it. She lost several inches, she was already in great shape, and I think she is going to try Turbo Jam next. I'm going to order the Slim in 6 tomorrow. I just need something that doesn't involve a lot of jumping around, my knees just can't take it.
  • I have been thinking about ordering this too. My friend has Brazilian Butt Lift, but that looks to hard for me right now, while Slim in 6 looks a little easier. I need A LOT of toning and am thinking this may be the dvd's to get that done.