

  • All you can do is go forward from here. What's done is done. Now figure out a plan that will work for you. I'm doing "no sugar, no flour." The weight comes off quickly and I don't have to beat myself up with exercise. I just walk a little and do housework and laundry. I'm also trying to only eat food of nutritional value.…
  • Try finding something to do with your hands while sitting. You might want to take up knitting or crocheting. Another idea is to sit down with your toddler and play. Have a tea party with stuffed animals, draw or color, or build something together. I understand baking for children, but I found that I just had to stop…
  • I have admitted to myself that I have a food addiction. For example, if I eat an apple, I don't have any desire for another one. But if I eat cake, pie, ice cream, (you get the idea) I want more and more. My weakness is sweets, but I also have found I just feel better not eating flour of any kind. Try it for one week.…
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