

  • I thank everyone for their sincere replies, I really do, but I guess the whole point of my posts have been that I can't do moderation - I have trouble with that - I go overboard almost daily because I can't eat just one of something. Other than one person who posted, I guess I am just too stupid to get this moderation…
  • I appreciate your post - I have had a couple of successful days in my eyes and to go back to how I was eating right now, I would be worried that I wouldn't come back. Last week, I ate an entire 14" pizza myself - I didn't do that everyday but I did a couple of times per week. When I have tried to make "healthier" versions…
  • I tried that, but I am in a very rural area with no services for 60 miles in any direction. All that prompted me to make the doctor appt that I made last Monday which now sounds like a waste of time and money. I am on my own in many ways - hence my frustration. Thanks for your post, though.
  • I upped it to 1000 today, but my doctor suggested that I stick to 800 until I see her again.
  • You, sir, are an incredibly lucky man. I hope you know that.
  • I have been trying to do that, but in reality, I would have to throw out so much stuff and don't have the money to do kitchen makeover all at once - I am worried that I won't last another week. I spent twice as much money yesterday at the grocery than I usually do and got some decent things, but this eating healthier is…
  • I really don't want to appear that I am arguing - just trying to be honest with myself. It is not about what I keep in the house - if I have single serve ice creams, I will eat 5 of them. If I want a pizza (which most people say on this site is totally okay), I will eat the whole thing (not just one or two pieces). If I go…
  • I read through several pages of the success stories, but only found 3 people who lost more than 200 pounds which is where I need to be (and two of those had surgery) . I don't want to imply that other people can't have their successes because they have all lost more than I have at this point. It is different when you have…
  • No advice here as I am struggling with the same thing. I would go through a 12 pack of regular coke in two days. I have tried to stop and am just a ***** to be around. Sorry that I have no advice - just someone who knows where you are at.
  • Maybe I am not in the right place then.... I started this crap on Monday with a doctor visit after my family prodded me into. My screen name reflects how I feel right now . I was given very little help at the doctor and after asking for more help was told that she couldn't do it for me and gave me the info that I shared…
  • I asked for that and it wasn't covered under my insurance - that's what started my internet research which sent me over the edge. I tried to find some free sites with that information only to find out that they wanted money to give me the information. The other barrier is that I am in a rural area with one doctor in town…
  • My doctor gave me the option of surgery, but I can't afford it. She told me that I would have to lose weight on my own anyway before she would do surgery, so she handed me a sheet with my body fat percentage and told me that my BMI was off her chart in her office (which is was). She said that I would be dead in a year and…
  • I am a little confused by all the shorthand - what is OP? I was not asking for anything, I was venting.
  • I have to lose 200 lbs.... I found a website that breaks this down to 3.7 pounds per week.
  • Thanks for the information - I would like think that I am fairly intelligent but the article I read was information overload. All I know is that my BMI, per my doctor, is off the chart and my BF% is over 31%. She (doctor) told me that I would be dead in a year if I didn't lose 200 lbs.
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