I love the flavor of Silk Dark Chocolate Almond Milk (which I basically bought one day because I was hungry/tired in the grocery store). I've been drinking it by the Dixie cup (3oz) so that I can get a little taste every time I have a midnight craving, but not go overboard and down a glass without even enjoying it. If I'm…
My dorm community bathrooms didn't have hot water for about the entire month of January one year...Yeah, I had plenty of painfully cold, and very fast, showers. The fat loss part of this challenge doesn't sound likely (unless you're burning calories shivering your butt off). BUT cold or lukewarm showers definitely help…
Awesome job! You look wonderful. Your body shape and original weight is close to mine, so it's great to see your progress pics.
A few times last week, I had tuna salad on a bed of spinach leaves and a few triskets. Myfamily thought that was strange, but it keeps me full and satisfied for a long time. Not suggesting tuna for breakfast, but just suggesting you keep your mind open--eat whatever keeps you fueled properly. ;) ((And, other days I ate…
I'm sure someone has already said this, but...Most diet pills come down to "fancy new super herb/berry/root" + caffeine + water pill. So, I'm going to say my "diet pill" is my morning cup of coffee, because it seems to cover 2 outta 3 of those :D (And, for some reason, I'm less hungry in the morning if I'm supping on…
What about an extra serving of beans/hummus/split pea soup? So that way you get your calories and the protein you need for your muscles. Or maybe you could add extra calories to foods you already eat? Like avocado in your smoothies or flax seeds/chia seeds/coconut oil/walnuts in your oatmeal. Peanut butter? Granted, these…
I love making a "Slow Cooker Chicken 'Curry'". 1 1/2 c chopped onion, 1 med bell pepper chopped, 1 lb boneless chicken bite sized, 1 c. salsa, 2tsp fresh ginger grated, 1/2 tsp garlic powder, 1/2tsp red pepper flakes, 1/4 c. chopped cilantro, 1 tsp sugar, 1 tsp curry powder, 1/2 tsp salt, cooked rice (optional)... Also…
Actually, I know someone who may have done this. Twice. "Doctor visits" included. She probably learned it from one of those cheesy television fake pregnancies though.
Nope. I'm the type that if I say I absolutely can't have something, I'll want it more than ever. So if I let myself have a handful of snack-sized candies on Halloween, I'll probably be satisfied. If I say no sugar, I'll probably be pouring a cup full into my coffee in order to imitate a candy buzz :)
Thank you for this! It seems like you have a great attitude, and you look wonderful! You've definitely inspired me :)
It's really interesting to read these answers. I know on weight loss shows, they tend to believe everyone has a big 'reason' why they're obese, but I don't think that applies to everyone. At least, I'm not sure if it applies to me. I really don't know the answer to this question. I started gaining weight when I was four. I…
^^ DingDing--WINNER! :D
The first month or so, I lost a few inches around my neck. Also, my calves, which have always been rather muscular, are even if the rest of me could catch up with them :)
I agree, OP. And learning to loosen up is part of having a healthier relationship with food. If folks miss out on life's special occasions, after a while most of them start to resent their diet. I, for one, have taken the strict path before and it didn't work out for me (obviously).
Hmm, I don't really know of a tasty low cal cake, other than angel food. But I have a few suggestions for making regular cake less stressful. *You can usually replace oil with unsweetened apple sauce. *Ditch frosting for some whipped topping and fruit. That might save you some calories, depending on what you use. *After…
I enjoyed it. Enjoyed the 2009 one, too. I think the "alternate timeline" is the perfect way to reboot without attempting to not slaughter the canon. While the story had a few issues, the characters were great, and, most importantly, it was a fun movie. The Kirk death scene wasn't there to trick any viewers (though I'm…
It's the denim + Impala combo. The Winchesters should have their own jeans commercials...
These look tasty.
Try checking out the USDA website They tend to tell cooked vs. uncooked on their search engine. Here's some info on how many calories/fat you're reducing by when you blot and rinse ground beef. In the case of ground beef,…
Hmm, I thought the Spike Diet was something else entirely...
Fantastic! What and inspiration. Keep up the wonderful work!
I get that fear. Hopefully it'll sink in for him that insulin isn't a magic wand that makes bad food choices go away (I've seen people use it that way). Over the last four months, I lost two great people in my life, and the root of their health problems was diabetes, which led to heart and kidney issues for both of them,…
Someone has probably already suggested this, but... Call a few different hospitals (or call your doc and ask if they know which hospital would have it), and find out if they offer free diabetes classes. Most of them do. It is indeed completely free and you'll learn quite a bit about how to handle this change (and you'll…
Okay, I honestly don't see how this is offensive... I suppose, spoken in the wrong tone of voice, any word could be offensive, but seriously?
Terrific! You can do it!
You've done such a wonderful job! My mom is the same age as you, and she has it in her head that she's "too worn down" to lose weight. I'm definitely going to share your story with her--I hope it inspires her. It definitely inspired me!
I quit coffee and sodas cold turkey back in January. I was grumpy for a couple days but felt right as rain afterward, and I didn't feel like I needed a "buzz" anymore. You have more natural energy than you might expect once you start to eat right. I've had about four sodas total since then (mostly with friends), and,…
^^ My mother loves Sweatin' to the Oldies, too, and Leslie Sansone. Yes, silly, but they'll keep you moving, and even I think they're fun :)
So fantastic!!! Well done!