demartin74 Member


  • LW: 226.6 CW: 224.8 height: 5' 9" 226.6- 224.8 = 1.8 lbs (1.8/224.8) X 100 = .80 % this week
  • Limted on time and energy this week. I think it's just the January blues.... I was happy to find out that my pizza and whiskey last night didn't show up on the scale this morning. I guess I was making good choices during the day yesterday. My fitness video arrived today, so I'll try that tonight and am thinking about…
  • I was diagnosed at age 18 and am 38. When my mother brought me into the Dr. I could basically fall asleep anywhere. If I wasn't talking I was sleeping. I was treated for Hypothoroidism and it was a simple pill and over the years the dose has gone up. I decided to hit a Naturopath and she changed me to the natural version…
  • I'm on day 16 and down 11 lbs, with a lapse at day 14 when I had a planned dinner (paid for with the subject comfort food, months ago). One day later back to where I was before the bad meal. I found that during the cleanse I wasn't eating enough and didn't go to the bathroom very much at all. I lost the majority of my…
  • Hello, I'm excited to have some support and to talk about and celebrate getting healthy. My goal is to not look horrible in my DL renewal picture come April and to also shed 30lbs before I climb 69 floors of stairs at the end March for charity.... I am currently down 10lbs from starting 1/7, but have been doing well, but…