

  • Also, we wear heart rate monitors....the same brand....they still burn more...
  • Thank you everyone for the info, suggestions and advice!!!
  • Had to do some research on some of the terminology, helpful information. I was trying to eat clean (not religiously), track calories in and out. I weigh my food, portion control. I have been doing Zumba for a year and a half, gym for 4 months. I lost 30 pounds last year but found 6-8 over the holidays and currently down 27…
  • My maximum HR is 185bpm, I usually range anywhere between 136-172bpm doing Zumba and at the gym on the treadmill, Jacob's ladder, rowing machine, etc....Either way, at Zumba I feel like I give damn near my all with out slipping on the floor and busting my tail! The floors are so slippery in the Firehouse Hall where we do…