Sharleeneet Member


  • I do think there is something to being addicted to certain substances like sugar. I read recently that sugar increases seratonin (not sure how to spell that, it's the feel good hormone in the brain) and makes you feel good. After 40 years of binge eating and gaining lots of weight, and losing lots of weight, I finally…
  • OOOOH --- Ain't it the truth --- "calories in versus calories out" Yes, it is simple math - if you eat 2000 calories per day and only burn 1900 calories then in about a month, give or take, you'll put on a pound. There are 3,500 calories in a pound of fat, or something like that. So always eat less than you burn, log your…
  • One year and 9 days ago I started on "My Life, Part 2" and made a decision to lose 120 lbs. I weighed in at 280 and have lost 80 so far. Still working on that last 40 and I know I will get there. How did i do it? I log every thing I eat every day no matter what. If I chose to eat ice cream so be it, I just log it and keep…
  • Oh I have a long list of those really embarrassing moments. fortunately I've learned to let go of all that old, icky stuff. I was recently on an airplane and my seat was in the aisle with the escape door (or whatever you call them) and the stewardess told me that if I could not buckle the seat belt I'd have to move. I'm…
  • On January 22, 2013 I turned 58 years old, I weighed 280 at 5'3" and shrinking. I made a decision to love longer than my parents and to do that I needed to lose weight. I started on an Optifast plan January 28th and so far I've lost about 40 pounds. I've cheated, binged and clawed my way back to sanity and 1200 calories…