judipearl Member


  • I have been an artist most of my life. I teach acrylics and porcelain painting. Was an oil painter for 30 years, but after kidney transplatn was forced to switch because of dangers with oils. I love to paint landscapes, wildlife, florals and portraits. Painting has been my salvation when I have been too sick to do anything…
  • I found your story so totally amazing! I can't believe the amount of calories that you were eating before. You were a heart attack waiting to happen. You must be in great shape now and feel so much better. Thanks for sharing and for your complete dedication to your cause.....taking care of YOU!!:smile:
  • Just be sure you are "kidney healthy"! Too much protein for someone who is suffering with kidney issues is a bad thing. You need to not eat large amounts of protein as it is hard for your kidney to break down. I have had kidney disease all my life and am 22years out with a kidney transplant. I eat mostly vegetable and fish…
  • Hi Everyone, I am an artist/painter of acrylic and porcelain art. I live inthe beautiful hills of Wisconsin. Look forward to interacting with theis group. Just joined this week. Judi
  • Hi, I am 4'11-1/2 according to the doctor!! I signed in at 197 and just started this week. You are a real inspiration to me and thank you so much for posting!! I will be using your tips and hopefully will have good results too! Judi
  • What an amazing inspiration you are!! You look "marvalous"!! How proud you should be. Posting these pictures is what people need to give them the encoragement to do the same. Bless you!! Your life must be a real gift!
  • Hi Donna... I am new to mfp as well. I am interested in you being a vegetarian. I am a kidney transplant recepient and cannot eat much meat, so do lots of veggies. I want to learn more about using lentils and other things to work with. I am from Wisconsin and live in a very rural community. this forum is great for me. I am…
  • Hi Everyone, I am from Wisconsin!