bahlena Member


  • I'm an introvert too which is why I love running now. Seriously, I mostly run just to have some quiet time. I never stuck to it before because I would get bored but now it's like a vacation!!!
  • I do the same thing! My husband never knows what the house will look like when he comes home: clean on energetic days and cluttered on low energy days. I have a 3 year old and 5 month old. My oldest and I are still adjusting to this SAHM gig. I'm a little worried about "cabin fever" this winter...
  • I'm with you! I've been researching this program for several weeks and am very excited about it. I have a 2 month old and I am determined to have my eating habits under control by the time he starts eating real foods so he grows up with a good example. It will be so hard to get through the first 2 weeks but we can do it!…