

  • has anyone had luck losing weight on synthroid for hypo? I find it very difficult. im on 75mcg and just had blood work done to see if i can up the dosage. What were your dosages/weight loss results?
  • wow i think this whole thing is really shallow. You may think youre an 8 but to some other guy? you may be fuuuuuugly. and who is to say? I see a lot of nasty women at walmart who dress like they think theyre a 10. Who knows? maybe their men like it that way. i dont know! you dont know! If you have someone who loves you…
  • my husband and i are both active duty air force. He has always been scrawny his whole life and wants to gain weight. So he always nit picks me when i diet and keep track. Its hard for me to have so much self control when he CONSTANTLY snacks on little debbies and donuts and chocolate and everything else. I just tell myself…
  • i have PCOS, hypothyroidism, and am infertile. Im about 40 lbs overweight and in the military. Even though i eat healthy and work out regularly, i have ALWAYS been about 40 lbs over my ideal weight. I recently joined this to better track my eating.workout habits in hopes that i can stop being this way "just because its how…