

  • realizing that I was going to live, and I WANT TO LIVE. I had given up on life. I was on a pill to prevent breast cancer, got my 5 year mammogram, it was CLEAR, therefore was told that I DON'T HAVE cancer and I am in the clear. The pills caused my hemoglobin to drop and was told I had a blood disease, so, I was also told…
  • egg whites, danon light & fit greek yogurts, Some of the KIND protein bars, string cheese.
  • Thanks.. According to this, I am not eating anywhere near enough food... I would have to psyche my mind out, to make this adjustment. Wayne: I will send you a message through Facebook. The logging part is not the issue, I am diligent in my logging, even when I do mess up... :embarassed: As I said, I want to do this right.…
  • I have always had a smaller face, even when I was heavy.. but NOW my face is super thin and people say, just from my facial pics, I am too small...but... NOOOOOO.. I am not!!!!!! Not Yet anyways!!!!:happy:
  • Let me add to this: I am looking for a sports bra that will hold my 40D heavy breast, give them the support that I need and not PULL on my shoulders when I am exercising. Any suggestions?
  • UGH.. a lot of changes in my life, these past couple of months, and emotional eating has been something I am struggling with. So, my goal for August (my birthday month), is to get a handle on all of this and just to make sure that I don't GAIN any weight. :ohwell:
  • I am, even though my bd is coming up.. and I plan on eating lots and lots...that whole week!!!! But, let's do this!!!!:happy:
  • QUOTE: Hi Ladies, For the past month, I've started a vigorous workout regiment; 5-6 days a week for 60 minutes and 2 days with a personal trainer. My hair so doesn't like this plan. It's dry, brittle and shedding. My last relaxer was in May (not planning on another one). I need suggestions as to what to do before and after…
  • I wear a regular bra and then a Hanes Sports bra from Walmart to give me that extra support., but I buy the sports bra a size smaller, (ex I am a 42, so buy a 40). I have a couple of 38's also, and they hold them together, really tight!
  • What i have found is that, when you ask a question, because you have concerns, or just want to see a varieity of answers, so that you can find something to suit your lifestyle, eventualy, someone, will attack you and the choices that you have made previously. While, yes it is my choice to listen to the advice, no one ever…
  • My mother has always been super critical of me, and as she has gotten older, she is super critical of everything and everybody. I make my phone call on my way to work, simply listen to her, with a few, yeah's, ooohs and ahh's.. and then say.. Okay mom, I am here at work, gotta go.. I love you! The few times that she has…
  • I would not consider 4 days of no weight change a plateau. I typically do not weigh myself everyday. Once a week, so that I am not disappointed. As I have been told, your weight can fluctuate on any given day within 5 lbs depending on a whole lot of things. Be patient! :-)
  • I love this question and the responses. I am almost to my FIRST Goal, have 14lbs to go. But, there have been a few negative and some positive. On the negative side: -The cellulite on my legs has become more prominent, and I am not liking that (so, weight training is in order) while my breast have shrunk, because I had a…
  • I have loose skin and I will be doing some weight training to tone up the muscles underneath. But, from everything that I have been told, as long as you lose is slow and steady, there will be minimal loose skin (added along with some weight training).
  • Hello Chekerr; I am 51, and I have been on here for about 6 months. The support and advice here is a wonderful thing. Please feel free to add me.
  • smn gave you the best advice out of everyone on this site. You have spotty logging, so it is really hard to tell. From my standpoint, (and I have only been at it seriously, for about 6 1/2 months), you have to be meticulous with your tracking. Even if it is a spat of butter that you use to stir fry your vegatables in,…
  • I had a partial hysterectomy six years ago, and I lost weight during the recovery, because I had no desire to eat and it was easier to stick to a healthy diet.
  • Hello there! Congrats on making a lifestyle change. MFP is a wonderful tool to help you in those efforts. Endomondo is also good to add in that arena. I was afraid to begin a change due to always being told that it is harder after 40, but what I am finding is that, little changes here and there, are so much easier to…
  • I put my hair in a ponytail and fold the ends into the ponytail while I work out. If I am being really lazy, just leave it like that until the next morning... and then put a scarf on at night for bed... let it out in the morning, put some aragan oil in it, run fingers through my hair.. add a headband, if really lazy.. but…
  • A couple of things, there is always salads and ask for the dressing on the side. Also, most restaurants have a light fare menu, so you could make sure you go with those. And if you have to eat from a regular menu, make sure that they only bring you half of the item that you ordered and box the rest for you to take home.…
  • UGH... it kills me to do it, but yes, I log everything I eat, even if I have to guesstimate, because I want to make sure that I hold myself accountable. And when I don't lose weight and I go back and see why, I wanna smack myself.. and it puts me RIGHT back on track!!!!
  • Your husband is rude...ARGH. I have been heavy all of my adult life, but if anyone EVER said anything remotely close to what your husband said....they would get a swift kick in the A**. My humilating moment came when I want into a store and the lady that worked there said.. we don't have anything in your size. In front of…
  • Thank You. I am going to try that route and see how it works!
  • Part of my lack of fruit and veggies is due to my having IBS and another medical issue, so there are sooo many fruits and vegetables that I am not allowed to eat, such as brocoli, sweet corn, apples, pears, strawberries, avacados (even though I eat them and pay for it later). That is a small list of what I can't eat. On…
  • I have 30 something pounds left to lose to my FIRST goal. I did not want to set a goal for myself that I felt may be unrealistic. Once I reach that goal, I will set another one. I do believe that fitbit and endomondo are not syncing correctly and duplicating calories burned and I need to figure out what to do in order to…
  • Thank you for your respose. It made so much sense to me. I know that I eat a lot of convenient foods...and I am working on letting those go, and I am also working hard on cutting back on the sodium... And.. yes, I am extremely overweight... and 51, so I know that I burn more calories than most when exercising. The reason I…
  • I am using Endomondo and fitbit to calculate my calories. I am not a little girl, so that could account for the large calorie burn. Just a thought!
  • I will ask again, since more people seem to be online right now. Can someone take a look at my diary and help me out? I think I need to eat more, and that could be why the weight is not dropping, but want to make sure
  • Can someone please look at my diary? I am having the same problem. I have also put up a blog!!!!