

  • Okay I double checked....even gave you some extra time. Bryan owes $20 for food & exercise Marta also owes $20.
    in WEEK 11 Comment by Tyme4lime March 2012
  • I contacted Molly McConkey - She had entered her food for Monday and Tuesday so she only owes $10 for not working out. We did notice that her calories for Monday and Tuesday did not show up in the reports - even though she entered her food intake. If I ever list you as owing money and you know that you logged your info let…
    in WEEK 1 Comment by Tyme4lime January 2012
  • Nice work everyone! (except myself and Molly McConkey) Molly owes $20 - she didn't get nutrition entered for Monday or Tuesday and also did not get in 5 days of cardio. I didn't get in my 5 day's of cardio either so I owe $10. Just a friendly reminder! Molly Cover & Bryan --I still need your registration fee :) **Just so…
    in WEEK 1 Comment by Tyme4lime January 2012
  • Tonight was our initial weigh-in, the below individuals will be participating in our challenge! Liz - Paid James (Jimmy) - Molly Mc. - Paid Buck - Molly C. - Bryan B.- Irene Z. - Paid Denise G. - Please get your money to either myself or Molly McConkey as soon as possible! Thanks and stay focused!