

  • PB2 is great in smoothies, oatmeal, etc. I've even used it on toast...just mix it in with the jam or honey
  • Hi, I'm fairly new to MFP (3 weeks), too. Once I started keeping track of my food, I was amazed and not in a good way! I've made many of the same changes: more fruits/vegs, discovering new whole grains (love quinoa!) and I definitely don't drink enough water. I'm working on it. The thing that motivated me was turning 45. I…
  • I've been using MFP for about 3 weeks (started right after my 45th birthday!) and I initially felt the same way as GG113 and D0ry, that I didn't need the social part, etc. Well, "no (wo)man is an island!" and I could definitely use some friends and support in this new way of life, please add me if you'd like! Thanks for…