

  • I just finished Day 2! I've heard days 3-4 are the toughest to get through. But I'm determined! I am leaving for a three week vacation in Greece on (what would be) Day 30. I am definitely going to take my measurements right this minute--from what it sounds like, you lose more inches than pounds (muscles take up less space…
  • A note on the carbs: you should continue to eat as much healthy fruits and vegetables as you can. The carbs in fruits and veggies are easier for our bodies to process (as opposed to the refined carbs in rice or bread). In Atkins (low carb) and Weight Watchers eating plans, fruits and veggies are actually considered "free…
  • Bumping this for the sake of all of us. How is the semester going? Mine's definitely more challenging than last semester, and it's really hard to get my motivation up. I learned our rec center has a fitness class pay once at the beginning of the semester and can go to as many classes as you want. I started…
  • I start my second semester of my master's program on Jan. 22nd. I've been motivated since 2013 started because I am working all day and going straight to the rec center on campus, but I am concerned that I will lose that when classes start, because I just get plain exhausted. I also feel like I snack more when classes are…