

  • I managed to get through the program twice now and am doing Insanity - Asylum (which is crazy, but awesome). I admit the 2nd month is way harder, but amazing and you will see incredible results!! Keep it up, you'll be fine!!!
  • My husband and I are starting Insanity Asylum on either Saturday or Sunday. The first Insanity is AMAZING!!
  • I've been through Insanity 2x and try to follow SOME of their eating tips. I eat 5 smaller meals a day and make sure I get plenty of protein. I put in the workout at Calesthenics Heavy and used that as my guide. I"ve lost a total of 20lbs, you will be fine!! Good luck, it is INSANE. We just got Insanity - Asylum and are a…
  • I'm so glad to hear someone else is having that problem. So many things have sodium in them and I don't add salt either. It doesn't seem to be hurting me, but I've found some foods less salty and try to switch up daily so I don't have as much sodium several days in a row.