stephaniemancia Member


  • So extremely happy to find this group!!! I'm a "newbie" I just came into the church last Easter after 8 years of studying up on what was right and where I truly needed to be with Christ and here I am. I found a sense of peace that I have never known simply by walking through the Parish doors. No doubt that it is a Holy…
  • Hello, I'm Stephanie. I'm 28, married, stay at home mother of 2 (2 & 1). I need to lose 60 lbs. looking for any tips or motivation. I'm new to weightloss in general. Any information is extremely appreciated!! I need to lose this weight soo soo bad not because my 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up but because my…
  • Hello, I'm starting this week too. I have 2 kids a boy (2 1/2) and a girl (1 1/2). They are 11 months apart so I completely understand being exhausted and lack of motivation!!! What plans or route are you looking at taking? I need to lose 60 lbs... I'm going to start really watching what I eat and I think doing the 30 day…