

  • :happy: Hi, I've also been wondering about this, as I LOVEEEEEEEEE chicken teriyaki sushi (not fried just marinated in the teriyaki sauce) & I only use the lil sachet of soy sauce provided, can anyone give me any insight as to whether this is a good lunch option? any advice would be muchly appreciated :) thaaaankyou Amz
    in Sushi Comment by amzzzzz January 2013
  • Hi TheRisingOfMe! WA girl here :tongue: but will one day make it to SA!! Thankyou for the add & the kind words:smooched: HiiiDJMartins! that's impressive ! 20 years & then nothing! I've had a few slip ups, but I was sure that was going to happen.. just pick myself up & start again :) have you used any kind of assistance,…
  • Goooooooodluck!! I'm 21 & have been smoking for 6 years! My partner & I (it was his idea) have made the decision to live healthier lives, not only for ourselves, but the kids we plan on having together:) I WILL DO THIS!