

  • Thanx .. I'm glad you found some of it useful.. We are here to help each other out :D
    in hello Comment by Sebokolik February 2012
  • Hey Kara, Some of the thing that work for me: - I made a daily schedule for myself of when I will eat and exercise.. every 2 to 3 hours my alarm clock (on my phone) will let me know when I should wake up, eat, exercise and sleep... Having a certain structure helps me stay on track... - I don't deprive myself of anything,…
    in hello Comment by Sebokolik February 2012
  • Hey Lexy, The most important thing to remember is to, loose the weight for yourself and not for others.. Keep in mind that you shouldn't care about what others think about you... You should do this because you want to do it for yourself, so you can be healthy and enjoy live, without putting limitations on yourself... This…
    in Hi Comment by Sebokolik February 2012
  • That's great, Angela! Whenever you need a little motivation, advice or help.. We are here for you;) Just try to take it one day at a time and don't forget that you can do this! :D
  • Mod tasks: - Moderating discussion - Keeping the forum clean (from spam etc) - Answering questions that members might have (about the forum/group) - Handling complaints Admin: - managing the rules (no insulting/cursing etc) - technical details of the forum/group (the lay-out of the forum) I hope this makes it a little bit…
  • Hi Kimistry, welcome to 'The Motivation Club' ... I have added you;)
    in Hello Comment by Sebokolik February 2012
  • This is great! Maci I have to thank you.. If I hadn't seen your post, I wouldn't have had the motivation to start again.. I have counted my calories today and after this post I'm going to do some exercising :D.. @ Slynn92185, maci, samonecent : We could keep tabs on each other, by checking eachothers activities on…
  • Hi Maci, I know exactly what you mean.. Although we try to think positive while loosing weight, factors outside of our control keep reminding us, that we are infact overweight, this in turn makes us veel insecure again about ourselfs and how we look and reminds us of all the things we would like to do but can't because of…
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