reggiestarkey Member


  • Try looking up the mediterranean diet. Olive oil, nuts, fish. Also, check your HDL - if it's high, it may be contributing to your total cholesterol being high. The LDL is the bad stuff and should be near 100.
  • I work on lot on my laptop late at night in the kitchen. I have moved to a different room to avoid late night snacking. Out of site, out of mind!
  • If you add a pull buoy (it's a foam thing that goes between your knees forcing you not to kick) it is even better. Your arms and back and core get a great workout.
  • I developed bursitis in both shoulders and am now in PT. They told me not to run or swim. I just simply stopped exercising! Even walking or no handed elliptical is better than nothing. I am trying to get back in shape. Hang in there!
  • Agree with everything said so far. Runners come in all types of shapes and sizes. Try alternating between a running and walking day so that you don't get tired of it. Also get fitted for the right shoe - it makes a world of difference and you can use the same shoes for walking.
  • I used an HRM when I was training for a triathlon 2 years ago. It tells you your heart rate which you will get to know after a while as an indication of how hard you are working (either too hard, just right, or not hard enough). You'll also see your you get into better shape, your heart rate will get lower…