

  • i'm the same at week 3, although i actually had a 3lb gain after 2 weeks of 1lb losses. so disheartened but i have been assured from other members that the most likely culprit is water weight and this seems to be common for us new people at the 3 week mark. just got to struggle on and hope it is as easy to lose it as it…
  • thanks again. i'm by no means already thin, i'm 5ft 7" and 154lbs (157 now!!!), so i'll put it down to water weight and hope it doesn't go up again this week. thanks so much everyone for being supportive and helpful, much appreciated! xx
  • thank you :)
  • thanks every one. that makes sense. just so discouraging to see the scales go back up higher than i started at!!! thanks again xx
  • another uk'er. northumberland :) feel free to add me xx