ElizabethAnneLatimer Member


  • Hiya All, I'm really encouraged...and discouraged all at the same time. I started my fitness program 12/28 - and I have really changed how I eat/cook. I go to the gym 3x week, work with weights for 30 minutes, and cardio 30 minutes. So I"m at the four month mark, and have lost just about 35 pounds. This past month was only…
  • Good morning from sunny...err...rainy Ohio! Typical Ohio spring weather, 75 for Sunday and snow for Monday. heh....I am at my half way point, 31 pounds; And have never felt better, I"m not dieting as much as a total change of eating habits. I have gone from a 20 (if I have to be honest and I do) to 14, depending on how…
  • My fitness trainer told me to not do strength training every day; every other day at most. I had the exact same problem, and I do average about 1200/day, my trainer and my daughter said, it's not always about the scale; How do your clothes feel? How do you feel? While a pound of fat equal a pound of muscle, the pound of…
  • hello, Yes, I hit a plateau at 19 pounds, just couldn't get over the big one and what really hurt, it was getting down below the 200 mark. I didn't give up it took a month but I continued my strength training and cardio 3x week, kept to 1200/day (sometimes less, but really tried to stay at 1200) and finally I dropped a…
  • Hello! I'm not getting married in September but my daughter is, and no way do I want to be a chubbie wubbie around my ex and his whole fam damily. So please add, as...Mother of the Bride! I'm down 26 pounds and have 30 to go! ALMOST half way home.
  • morning folks! How do you get the bar at the bottom of posts? That clebrates how much you have lost?
  • Hello Ladies! So glad I found this message board. While I joined a year ago, I didn't get serious until this year, and my daughter is getting married in Sept. Sooo....I am not going to be chubby wubby around my ex and his family. There is my GREAT motivation. I have the years lost weight, and always did it by basically…
  • Hi Aaron! March has 31 days! You said March, and you are only 4 pounds away - some you WILL most likely hit your goal, to be at 215 IN March!! :)