JFO007 Member


  • I drink it all the time. My office has a wildly variant climate, so when it's too cold to drink water I drink all kinds of flavoured herbal and green tea. I don't think it has any metabolizing effects or anything, though. The main benefit is the water intake. The other person said the "main benefits is the water intake"…
  • I am having a glass right now! I have found that green tea with a teaspoon of local honey (good for building up your immune system against the local pollens) and a splash of Unsweetened Coconut-Almond Milk makes it an enjoyable mid morning/mid afternoon pick me up. I use to try to drink it plain, but it was bitter and…
  • I am 5'11, 30 years old. I am happy around 155-168, however, I would love to get down to 145 ibs and later keep it between 138-148. Being this tall, I can put on 20 pounds fast, which happened from partying and drinking too much over the summer. Right now, I would be happy just to get down to 170.
  • You look great and it must feel so good to no longer feel entrapped in a body that felt foreign! Think about how amazing this transformation is not only for yourself, but the influence on your familiy to live a healthier, happier life! Way to go!