

  • Happens to me all the time. I used to be self-conscious, but somewhere along the way I must have come to the conclusion that it really doesn't matter. If people look, let 'em look. Just make sure the headlights are pointing forward. :-) And btw, I wear a lined sports bar under my shirts. still shows.
  • Hi! I've been on MFP since January. I've also been attending OA meetings since January. I've not started really working with a sponsor....for some reason, I think (since I want to lose 10 more pounds) that I might be able to do it on my own. Unfortunately, I've not conquered complete abstinence from compulsive…
  • You are amazing! Thanks for sharing your story and pictures. You've just given me a new motivation.
  • Feel free to add me! I have very few friends, and some don't communicate. I log almost everyday...weekends are sometimes sketchy. :-/
    in Friends :) Comment by medoingme May 2013
  • What an Inspiration! Thanks for sharing!
  • Anyone can add me! I've been here a few weeks already, and have lost a couple pounds. I used to run, but am trying to take better care of my knees. So, I workout daily in the gym now. I have two boys, but they're older...17 and 20. I'm tired of being "comfortable" with that extra 15-20 pounds, so decided to kick my own…
  • Hi! I'm just starting today, too. Actually, I've been "starting" forever, but today is my Day 1 on this website. I'm still in the process of figuring out how all this works, but understand that this whole 'accountability' thing works best if you have people on here that you are accountable to.