

  • Congrts keep is so rewarding when you start to see results. I have only been on my diet program 1 week and hope to see results to keep me going too.
  • Im 5'7 and 183 lbs. I had surgery on both feet this past summer and put on over 25 pounds. I changed jobs about a year ago from a unit nurse to a director of care which puts me on my butt behind a desk instead of running the hallways doing patient care. Im getting married this spring and really want to look and feel great.…
  • I hear ya my regular three cream two sugar coffee every morning and aft was killing my diet. So now I make my coffee at home and use nestle french vanilla fat free and only have one 8 oz travel mug on my way to work. Now if i could curb my craving for sugar cookies all would be good....good luck