Thanks Tinatatertoes! The scale is my evil arch nemesis. Thanks for putting things in perspective.
Today is my first weigh in and I am worried! Typically I will weigh-in and if the scale does not reflect what I feel I put into the week I fall off the healthy wagon. Slightly nervous. Does any one have any good mental tricks regarding the scale? It's just a number right? I know I should feel good about my last week, I…
Hello All! My name is Bridget. I live in New York and I am 32. This is my second go at trying to lose 100 lbs. I currently weigh in at 256. It was 4 years ago at this time where I decided I needed to do something different, so I did. I cut out a lot (not all) of the processed foods I and started moving. It took nearly a…
Any salty foods.