

  • I would say first of all to make sure you are being consistent with your eating. try to stick as close to your calorie goal as possible, loading up on complex carbs, veggies, and lean meats. next, i would say make sure you are working out at least 4 times a week minimum, if not 5 or 6 days, doing HIIT training (High…
  • make sure you are drinking lots of water throughout the day, and eating 4-5 small meals instead of just three big meals. grapefruit is a natural appetite curber, cut up a grapefruit in the morning and tote it around with you all day, so when you feel hungry eat a couple pieces of it and drink a bottle of water :) those 100…
  • I just started my journey to a better, healthier lifestyle. I hate using the scale because its stressful and i get discouraged too easily, checking it often like you are explaining. I would say just stop weighing yourself. That is one thing I am doing differently now, and it helps to not focus on getting to a number.…