spacecat Member


  • I've lived and hiked in the PNW for going on 7 years now, you just can't beat the Cascades! For a newbie hiker, I recommend you pick up one of the Mountaineer's Club books for your region (if you're not sure where to start, go to your local REI store and flip through the selection), and just work your way cover to cover.…
  • On a flat, paved path at a moderate pace (the pace I go if I'm biking somewhere and need to arrive looking somewhat presentable), I average about 10 miles/hour. Of course, things like the weight of your bike (mine is pretty light) and weather conditions (especially wind!!) can make a big difference. If you're new to biking…
  • So, my immediate reaction is that this guy is just a jerk, but to give a stranger on the internet the benefit of the doubt...have you asked him what *specifically* bothers him about your weight loss? We're all assuming that he's bothered by you looking more conventionally attractive by losing weight, which is definitely…
  • "The only easy day is yesterday."
  • Just to add on to the great ideas already out there: Make sure you're actually getting enough sleep the night before. I find that working out first thing in the morning makes me need *more* sleep at night than working out later in the day. Try going to bed 15-30 minutes earlier and see if that helps ease the transition. Do…