

  • Hi there. I'm new to this site, but I got myself into the 'zone' back in April. I've lost 36 lbs...and I have a bit more to go...but I'd love to chat with you about what's worked for me...and maybe you can give me some feedback on what's working for you... To start with - and this is the best advice I can give you to start…
  • I'm like you...I seem to have the same ole granola bars and a bottle of water...on the way to drop kids off at school and me to work...but I found a couple of new smoothie recipes over the weekend. I made one of them was fantastic...and at about 150 calories per will definitely help me keep my…
  • Hi, It's Nice to meet you. I've been going it alone (support from my hubby has been great)...but would like to meet others who are in the trenches (so to speak) with me. Jen
    in Howdy. Comment by aggiejen January 2011