jenwrath Member


  • There's an entry in the food database for breastfeeding by ounce. If you have an idea of how many ounces you're producing you can calculate it that way. I'm 6 months post-partum with baby #3 and am doing it this way. Keep up the good work! I find that my body reeeeally hangs on to weight when I'm nursing so it's a tough…
  • Have you read "Born To Run"? If not, it might answer some of your questions. The author of that book has since changed his opinion a little bit. He was formerly more of a proponent of 5-finger shoes but has since converted completely to barefoot running. There's interesting information out there about it. Some of it is…
  • Go to smokefree dot gov to get tons of free information, phone numbers to call and ask a professional for tips on quiting, etc. There are a lot of resources for people in your position and that website is a great place to start. It can even help you find resources in your local area for quitting. It is a beast, but you can…