
  • Awesome for you and the lady. Never underestimate the positive differences we can make each day with seemingly small gestures.
  • My family and I were in Arizona visiting my ex-wife's (wasn't then) brother and his family. We went to this old western town. Apparently, you can pay a small amount of money for them to "arrest" someone and get a picture of them behind "bars". Pretty touristy thing. So after you are arrested, they announce to whatever…
  • Years ago, when I was doing Slim-Fast, I compared the nutritional values to Pop Tarts. Pretty much the same, at least from my recollection. Much tastier, too...Makes me want to go get a box or two.
  • I feel for you as I have struggled with my weight all of my adult life. At various points in my life, I have dropped 30 - 50 pounds only to slowly put it back over time. When I am focused on what I put into my body, I am successful in both losing and both controlling my weight. The key word is "focus". MFP helps me do this…