

  • I completely understand how you are feeling. I have the same dilemma. I totally over did it this weekend. I ate whatever was available at our bbqs and then some. I didn't log in my calories and I am not going to. I think it will make me feel worse. I would just move on and start over. That is what I am doing. I think the…
  • I have always used splenda in my coffee so i'm used to it but I also use sugar free vanilla syrup. You can find it in the coffee section. It has no calories and is really good. I like it. You probably have to get used to the taste of other sweetners. Good luck!!
    in Coffee help Comment by sd688 June 2011
  • I'm a nursing student too. I am on summer break and so am not doing clinicals right now. I am trying to get into a good routine right now. I found it really hard during school to find time to exercise but I think it is very important. I know that if I took 30 minutes to exercise everyday that my stress level would have…
  • I do the same thing and then I feel like the whole day was a waste. Others have given good suggestions. I try to save some calories for the end of the day too, because I am such a snacker. I am going to try to eat dinner later. I think that is a good idea. I bought some 100 cal pack cookies too because I cannot live…
  • I have been peeking everyday and realized it wasn't such a good idea for me. I am starting to weigh myself every week now.
    in Weigh In day? Comment by sd688 June 2011
  • Good job... I love that feeling when you can fit into old clothes.