curtainpuller Member


  • Hey! Our goals sound really similar. I'm 5'4" and 137 and my goal weight is 125 by June. You can friend me :)
  • Congratulations on the progress. That's wonderful. Keep up the great work :)
  • Same here! Weight stayed the same more or less. I definitely could have made better food choices and need to increase the cardio. Good luck staying motivated this week and congrats on the upcoming dress delivery :)
  • Great advice! I have days (months...) like that too sometimes. Healthy snacks are a must! I find that apples (they're sooo filling and satisfyingly crunchy) and tea help curb those cravings.
  • Thanks everyone! Such good advice. I didn't go to the gym that day... I took a nap instead. It's raining out now but I WILL make it to the gym and get back on my mon-wed-fr-sat work out regimen.
  • Thanks for making this group and adding this message! I am on board with the 30 day challenge. I will count today as my first day. So far I have been successful at going to the gym four times a week and strength training/cardio and logging every meal. However diet has been a struggle. Are you counting 1200 net cals (eating…
  • Congrats everyone! I'm August 24th :)