sam_m187 Member


  • Yep, too many times to mention. This time I am absolutely determined to reach my goal and stay there. Add me if you need that extra push. We can motivate each other x
  • I know! I'm definitely in a better mindset for it this time round. Let's see if I make the am class hahaha!! Love ya xxx @joannbrunton there's nothing worse than having to relose, I had 2lbs to relose after xmas. I'm sure you''ll do it :)
  • Thats a great effort to start with! My aim is to lose 57lbs, at the moment im 18lbs down... definitely need to keep the momentum going :)
  • I know the feeling, last week I went out for lunch with work colleagues and spent ages pouring over the menu to find something 'healthy', in the end I 'caved' and went with a chicken burger with the rest of the girls - who don't even need to consider their weight. I stressed about it for a couple of days thinking I had let…
  • Thanks for all the replies guys! And 112lbs wow!! Very impressive. S
  • Well done in your loss so far Hannah, you're doing great! I hope you manage to thank your mother in law sometime in the future, but for not you can resent her comments a little, its allowed :P S x
  • I'm sure we will! :) x
  • Sounds like we're looking to lose a similar amount, I'm sure we can definitely motivate each other :) I definitely find it a whole lot easier to discuss my weight on here than i do face to face so i can completely relate to everything you're saying! S
  • I'm alternating between Body Pump and Metafit mainly, also Body Combat for a change. Trying resistance training in Cxworx tomorrow aswell, and really enjoying swimming. So hopefully that'll keep me on the right track!
  • I can completely relate to this post - to the extent where I actually nicknamed myself Shallow Hal to my best friend, and explained that in my head, I don't see me as fat at all, then I catch sight of myself in a reflection and think who the F is that lol! Its an easy way to brush off the weight issue, make fun of it and…
  • Congrats on the excellent start to your journey! I am very much in the same camp... My overall aim is to lose 57(ish) lbs... I'm 18lbs down at the moment (11lbs of that within the last 5wks) and am determined to keep the momentum going. In the same way as yourself I'm setting myself mini goals along the way, hoping time…
  • I'm very much in the wishful thinking camp aswell.. I'm currently a 40DD but would love to get down to a C cup through my weight loss... I guess its very much a wait and see type thing until we get there. My best friend lost 3 and half stone, and went from a 38E to 36C, so perhaps it can be done! She was smaller to start…
  • Well done, you look amazing :) Inspiring to hear your story, I'm hoping to eventually feel that with a smaller sized top or jeans this year x
  • I always get confused at thr concept that of eating back exercise calories, in my head the point of working out is to burn the extra, surely eating them back defeats the purpose?
  • I think nuts might be a winner for me to up the calories a bit. I hadn't really been looking at my 'net' calories until today to be honest. I had been focusing on what I was eating and making sure I had exercised , but looking now it's far too low... One day this week week my net was 150! My peak net is today which is 847.…
  • I have the same problem. I don't like to eat for the sake of eating, generally I can hit about 1200 a day but because I'm exercising my net is crazy low. My average this week was 366 net I've managed to up it to avg net 506 by having slightly bigger portions today, but I'm finding it really hard to keep up there... I…
  • See I thought I was, three meals a day and snacking I hoped was enough to maintain. The only difference to my usual routine is that I've swapped 'junk food' snacks for fruit or healthy alternatives, and lower caloried crisps etc. I'll certainly look at the portion sizes etc also to see if that helps. I'll have a read at…
  • I used to suffer from migranes and headaches quite often. I was unable to do anything at all with a migrane. For the last week or so I've had quite persistent severe headaches, which I felt could have easily been the start of migranes. I pushed through the first evening and done Body Pump with a pretty bad headache, and…
  • Yeah I guess it can be, just need the right mindset. I think because I've been so focussed on keeping it low and maintaing it, I now have that frame of mind and dont want to increase by much if that makes sense. I'm not a big chocolate eater so I can definitely manage to not overindulge in it, I'm much more savoury. I've…
  • I will aim to increase my net calories then. I'm thinking I might be unlikely to see any weight loss this week as its been so low, I'm not sure. I guess perhaps bigger portion sizes might be the only way to increase it just now then if I'm cutting out snacking and not feeling hungry between meals. I guess I was just…
  • Working out from what I weigh, between 2-2.5lbs a week is 1% of my body weight.
  • @arrseegee - I havent been eating my exercise calories back, as I wasnt quite sure whether that would defeat the purpose of burning them? Having looked at my app last week my average NET calorie per day over the last three weeks has gone between 838, 627 and this week currenty sits at 366. My aim was definitely to keep my…
  • Thanks for the replies guys! @LitheVixen - I certainly feel like I could do it again, I'm just wondering if I should be making sure I maintain 'rest' days throughout the week also. The problem is I just don't feel like I'm doing anything on those days lol! With regards to the diet advise I'll definitely take it on board,…