Had the same feelings, until I realized that if I compared myself to the young, thin, buff babes at the gym - my 54 yr old overweight body with two rebuilt knees would never, ever measure up. But, if I compare myself to the general population - dang, I look good! So, having said that - I have a radical proposal for you and…
At only 5 foot and 3/4 inches, and 240 pounds (at least that's what it said the last time I willingly got on a scale) according to all the charts; I was morbidly obese. Add to that two rebuilt knees (1st ACL rebuild w/menicus removed in 1981, other knee ACL rebuild in 2001) - going to the gym was the last thing I was…
Didn't see anyone mention will just put out what has worked for me. Do something nice for someone else. On those days when the black clouds make the idea of getting out of bed, taking a shower, etc are just more that I can face - I got to the phone and called an elderly shut in neighbor to see how she was doing.…
I'm so with you on this! I've been gaining/losing the same 4 lbs for about 2 months; but have been very consistently working out. (Not so much being good on the food tracking, since the devil on my shoulder - or in my stomach - said why bother if it's not going to show on the scale???) I was starting to get…
Thank you from the bottom of my too wide tush for everyone who's added their thoughts/experiences to this thread! I can't tell you how depressed I've been after working to lose only 4 lbs and then....GAIN IT RIGHT BACK. Which was then the rationalization/excuse I told myself when I angrily crammed my self with all the…
Can only tell you that for me, exercise makes me - plan on eating less for dinner since I don't like working out with a full stomach; - come home in a much better mood, so I'm not tempted to stress eat; - feel so much warmer that I don't want to crank up the thermostat when I get home. And I've noticed that after working…
Here's what helped me - use whatever you can. First I gave in to my hubby's pleas to go to the Humane Society and "look at" dogs. Yup, came home with a German Shepherd/Australian cattle dog mix. That adorable, high energy puppy grew up into a cuddly, adorable, high energy 87 pound(!) dog who needs daily long walks to be a…
As a member of the walking wounded (R knee rebuilt after soccer mishap in 1981 and L knee rebuilt after bad fall in 2001) I was told by an orthopedic surgeon that I was facing total knee replacement. When I inquired how long I could put that off, he snidely replied "you can put it off until you die, it's just a matter of…